Monday, April 27, 2009

My Bad...

As with most newbies to any trade, I have erred on the job - I inadvertently (dammit!!) erased my review of the Creek's fish tacos! I know all of you readers out there (all 3 or 4 of you) are as disappointed as I am. I will attempt to recreate the post for your reading enjoyment.

In the meantime, here's an interesting article in the NY Times on fish taquitos as well as a recipe


  1. i cannot believe you did that. unforgivable.

  2. I'm partial to Lobo's fish tacos; they aren't spectacular, but they've got a good amount of heat. I sure miss them.

    Here in Chicago, I've been eating fish tacos at a place on Chicago Avenue in Ukrainian Village called Tecalitlan (we sometimes call it Tickle Town); this restaurant is always packed, no matter which evening during the week you go. You've got to order the fish tacos a la carte, as they don't come in the taco dinner for whatever reason. Last time I ordered them, I asked for "three fish tacos, lettuce and tomato, avocado, and beans and rice." The waiter smiled at me and said, "you've been here before." Another waiter called me a "caballero" which I enjoyed. If you go on a Monday or Wednesday, they have an awesome margarita special (a pitcher for like $12) -- these are the days to go. The food is excellent and it's always a great time.


  3. I'm proud to say that I, unexpectedly, had my very first post-blog fish taco experience this past weekend. I crossed the Pulaski Bridge in to Long Island City and made my way to the Creek, a rather confuse...
    Here, have part of it.
